(Portuguese language)

"Uma ética que nos obrigue somente a preocupar-nos com os homens e a sociedade não pode ter esta significação. Somente aquela que é universal e nos obriga a cuidar de todos os seres nos põe de verdade em contato com o Universo e a vontade nele manifestada."
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel da paz - 1952)

domingo, 11 de junho de 2017

Gavel - Australian Police Dog dropout named Gavel found a job suitable to his 'sociable' nature


Meet Gavel the adorable police dog dropout who failed as a crime-fighter because he's friendly... but he's found a new job

Gavel the German shepherd was deemed too friendly for the frontline

Gavel the police dog dropout is pictured with Queensland Governor Paul Jersey

Julie Longhill

Mother's Love Photo Gallery